I’m New

What to Expect

We’re so pleased that you’re thinking about visiting us at WCBC. Whether you’re new to the area and looking for a church to call home or exploring the Christian faith, we’d love to meet you.

We know that visiting a church for the first time can be daunting, so here is everything you need to know to make your visit as easy as possible.

The Service

We meet every Sunday at 10.30 and also have a kids’ service during this time.

Our Sunday services are an opportunity for us to join together in worship, to connect with God and each other, to hear bible-based teaching and to pray for one another.

The Building

The church building is situated on Whitehorse road and the corner of St James road. There is free parking next to the church on Sundays. There are also plenty of free parking spaces around the area on Sundays.

We meet in a traditional baptist building with a 153 years of history

Refreshments are available after each service so make sure you stick around for a chat and fellowship.

We have a host team available, who can be identified by their name badges, please feel free to chat to them if you have any questions about West Croydon Baptist church.